Collaborate 4 Development Mission in  Uganda (C4DMU)

Kamuli District, Uganda

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C4DMU - new LOGO 2024


CARE FOR DESTITUTE MINISTRIES – UGANDA, registration no. KDCD/0619/11192 was founded in 2014 as a nonprofit organization in Kamuli district, the eastern region of Uganda. It was founded by man of God Rev. Akuwa James Akuwa who had a vision of bringing hope and transformation to people in the rural communities of Uganda. Later joined by a dedicated team with the aim of working together toward this dream.

Over the years the local team and USA team have worked hard to support and help James to achieve his goals. As the C4DMU exists to be a resource for the rural people in Uganda who live in deep poverty, it needs you to join hands so that we build lasting hope for these communities.

In 2024 both the USA and the Ugandan teams agreed to change the name from CARE FOR DESTITUTE MINISTRIES – UGANDA (C4DMU) to COLLABORATE 4 DEVELOPMENT MISSION IN UGANDA (C4DMU).


We serve communities in eastern Uganda, Kamuli district, Balawoli town council, and Bugweri ward.


To serve individuals and families of the poorest communities so that we grow together in the communion of God, and we exist to mobilize resources and relationships to empower communities and improve lives in rural Uganda.


To bring in resources and address the challenges of those facing poverty. We seek to empower individuals to realize their full potential through promoting programs on education, healthcare, recreation skills, social security, and moral support as we preach the message of hope. We desire to foster hope and transform rural communities for sustainable living.

Organizational Objectives

  1. To provide educational support/sponsorship for impoverished children.
  2. To provide medical care by constructing medical centers.
  3. To solve the problem of school dropouts by setting up education institutions at all levels and homes for destitute children.
  4. To provide economic opportunities and teach employable skills.
  5. To build capacity for self-help to those in need and promote human rights for everyone.
  6. To deliver relief in emergencies.
C4DMU - Smiling+Kids+Outside+with+Booklets

Fundamental Principals / Values

  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Empowerment
  • Stewardship

Who We Are

Care 4 Development Mission Uganda is a nonprofit organization committed to helping the poor and vulnerable in Uganda.

Through long-term partnerships, we seek to develop relationships that create hope and transform lives.

What We Do

We strive to develop and empower communities, serving the people of Uganda by creating meaningful relationships and partnerships between people and communities in Uganda and individuals, families, organizations, and groups primarily in the USA.

Where We Work

Care 4 Development Mission Uganda is focused on rural communities in the eastern region of Uganda.

Our Impact as of 2024

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Currently, C4DMU is sponsoring 300 children/students, enabling them to attend Mt. Olivet Care View School - Kamuli Balawoli in Kamuli (140 students) and Zion Lutheran Church & School - Mukono (160 students) to fulfill its education program.

300 are in primary school, 25 are in high schools, and 38 are in training programs at Balawoli Vocational Institute of C4DMU and other training schools. One student is training to become a medical doctor, with plans to serve in the C4DMU medical center in Kamuli.

C4DMU serves over 500 students, in all levels of education, with the goal of changing lives by breaking the cycle of poverty.



Over 700 families have received support through home visits, emergency food/shelter/clothing, spiritual counseling, and prayer.

2500 clients have received health care services for illnesses, infections, or dental care over the years.

Over 450 families have been trained in farming crops such as maize, beans, cocoa, and coffee, or animal husbandry with chickens and pigs.

Partner with US

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We love and care for needy communities in Uganda. Our role is to act as the catalyst that allows you to directly influence the lives of children, families, and rural communities of Uganda, and for them to feel the love and hope that your support delivers.

Partnering with the C4DMU is a great opportunity to serve God in the many ways he has called us to be ambassadors of his Gospel to every part of the world.  In everything we do, we ask God’s guidance and intervention, so we believe that we are not alone in this journey. So, the need you fill may fall within an area you are passionate about, for example toward the installation of a borehole well for clean water or it may be a gift toward the purchase of land for school buildings or a medical center. Or you may feel led to give toward child education sponsorship, school supplies, medications, feeding supplies, support for school staff, or other needs as you may be directed by the holy spirit.

In exchange for your support, we commit to ensuring you see the impact it makes and to keep you connected to the work of God being done in Uganda.

How You Can Help

Sponsorship Projects

Child Sponsorship

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The literacy rate stands at 66% in the education system of Uganda.  C4DMU is part of the solution for children in rural communities who cannot afford education. Through C4DMU, you can send a child to school by committing a monthly donation of $30 dollars so that she or he can release their full potential of life.

Would you like to sponsor a child? C4DMU provides a holistic approach to education, covering unmet needs when possible. The following are things a sponsored child can benefit from:

  • Basic school supplies.
  • Bedding such as mattresses, bed sheets, and mosquito nets.
  • First-line medication.
  • Breakfast and lunch at school.
  • Additional meals outside of school.
  • A school uniform, shoes, a bag, books, etc.
  • Regular connection with the sponsor by writing letters.

Donate today and be part of this noble calling of transformation for the young generation today in rural communities in Uganda.

Technical School

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Our technical school offers:

  • Hands-on experience
  • Specialized training
  • Career advancement
  • Supports the local economy

Our Technical school helps students gain practical skills and training that can lead to successful careers hence eradicating the chain of poverty among the youth, putting them in a position to start up small businesses.

The goal is to empower youth and unemployed people in the community, who are jobless and students who have dropped out of school due to teenage pregnancy. This allows them to live a life of self-reliance and be able to support their families after gaining employable skills.

Staff Sponsorship

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Teachers are the backbone of the school. Consistent support for the teaching staff provides:

  • Employee well-being
  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced morale and satisfaction
  • Professional development


Teaching Supplies

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Many families are unable to afford school supplies. Our school fills in the gap with donated supplies or funds to purchase local school supplies:

  • textbooks
  • notebooks
  • writing materials
  • reading books
  • art supplies
  • physical education balls or equipment


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A donation of $5 dollars can help treat many common illnesses.  Almost 90% of people living in rural Uganda live on less than a dollar a day, living below the poverty line.  You can help C4DMU provide the following:

  • Medication
  • Malaria treatment
  • Women’s health issues

Additional Programs

Medical Worker Support

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At Collaborate 4 Development Mission Uganda (C4DMU), our vision and mission are to bring hope to people and transform communities for self-reliance.

With your help C4DMU can treat thousands of children and adults in need within our rural community who have become ill and urgently need medical care.

Meet Moses, a medical nurse with a dream to become a doctor to care for the rural communities of Uganda where C4DMU serves. Moses currently works as a volunteer nurse leading the Balawoli Medical Center of C4DMU.

Agricultural Training

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Agriculture plays a significant role in Uganda's society and economy. Here are some key aspects of agriculture in Uganda:

Economic Contribution: Agriculture contributes a significant portion of the country's GDP. It employs a large majority of the population, especially in rural areas.

Food Production: Uganda's agriculture sector produces a variety of crops, including staple foods such as bananas, cassava, maize, and sweet potatoes. It also produces cash crops like coffee and cocoa hence generating income for different families.

Agricultural training is a powerful tool for C4DMU to promote sustainable development, economic growth, and community resilience. We offer support in training and the startup of small businesses for women’s groups.


  • Poverty Alleviation
  • Sustainable development
  • Supporting local farmers
  • Food security

Administrative Support and Facilities Management

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Our staff play a critical role in the day-to-day functioning of our organization. They are responsible for various tasks that ensure the smooth running of operations. Here's an overview of their responsibilities:

Administrative Support: General operations staff provide administrative support such as managing schedules, handling correspondence, and coordinating meetings and events. Administrative staff: Director, Coordinator, Field Assistants (Education, Spiritual, Health), and Social Worker.

Facilities Management: They handle maintenance and upkeep of the physical premises, including cleaning, repairs, and safety checks.

Other Ongoing Projects

  • Start-up microbusinesses and economic empowerment.
  • Safe construction/ building permanent structures.

Long-term Investments

  • Land Purchases
  • Vehicle Acquisition
  • Motorcycle
  • Water Projects

Your donation will bring hope and transform communities in Uganda.

Join a Trip or Sponsor a Trip

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During the trip, you will be working side by side with our USA team and Ugandan team. Ministry activities may include home visitation and working on crafts with the women and youth while spending time to get to know the members of the community C4DMU serves. If team members have specialized skills, activities may include counseling people with HIV/AIDS, testing for malaria, and giving treatment.

We will also visit other locations where we provide community assistance.

Gifts - Mission trip teams often ask about bringing gifts. If you plan to give gifts, we recommend small, self-care items for women that can be purchased during your visit. Gifts purchased in Uganda support the local economy, which is an added benefit.


Thanks to our generous supporters we now have clean water!

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C4DMU - thanks to our supporters

We were able to drill a borehole for a well in Kamuli Balawoli and install a water tank system with three lines to supply the school and community in Mukono.

We are grateful for our school children and the community to be able to access water free of contamination and risk of disease.

"C4DMU is a Christian-centered organization. We value the spiritual growth of individuals, families, and communities. Therefore, we reach out to all ages with a message of hope and teach the word of God."                                                                                     - Rev. James Akuwa

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