
Projects A-H

Adulam Ministries


Be With

BSOP - Bethlehem Star of Peace - *Donors in the US

BSOP - *Donors outside of the US

C4DMU - Collaborate 4 Development Mission in Uganda

Children of Promise

Children's Ministries Agape Farm

Children Treasuring Christ

CBC - Christian Brotherhood Church

Cornerstone Academy

Dala Development

Emmaus Associates

Engage Global

Enrich Leadership Network

Equipping for Transformation

FASE - Foundation for African Social Entrepreneurship

Full Life Training Center

Global Capacities


GNTS - Good News Theological Seminary

Grand Portage Outreach

Hesed Resource & Development Foundation

Hope Academy

Projects I-Z


Indigenous Women's Ministry Ghana

Insightful Global Ventures

IFAGE- Institute for Faith and Gender Empowerment

Iriba Shalom USA

JFM - Jesus Film Minsitry

Kimwanga Widows

The Knowledge Box

The Living Well

Mentor A Mentor

Miss Star Mission

M:MM - Mission Moving Mountains


Most High Mission


OAIC - Organization of African Instituted Churches

RVOBUSA - Roaming Vehicle of Blessing USA

Santisuk English School - Hutton

Square Ministries Africa

Star Mission World - ICU prayer

Strengthening Biblical Worship

UORDP - Ugandan Orphan Rural Development

The Upper Room

World Share

Youngsters for Christ

Zagreb Baptist Church

GHI Organizational Giving

GHI General Operations

Ubuntu - Racial Justice and Reconciliation Training

GHI Field Technology - The Knowledge Box and other global initiatives

Project Application Fee

**If you prefer to use the previous version of our donation form, you can find it here.

To donate via check, checks can be made payable to
GHI / (insert "general fund" or "project name") and mailed to
GHI / (insert "general fund" or "project name"), P.O. Box 64059, Eagan, MN 55164-0059