Partner Projects Adulam Ministries Mexico - Laura & Juan Salazar Providing care for homeless children through the Adulam Children's Home. Assist USA - Terry Riley Equip ministries and individuals to reach their potential through counseling, coaching, and strategic planning. Be With Paraguay - Sam & Kimberly Loewen Modeling what a relationship with Jesus looks like, for youth and the community. Bethlehem Star of Peace SE Asia Sending missionaries to start and strengthen churches among unreached people groups. Children of Promise Asia - Siu Yuk Zaino Providing services for children and young adults with disabilities, as well as support for their families. Children's Ministries Agape Farm Zambia - Diane Gorham Providing schooling, teaching farming skills, and offering medical clinic services in a rural area of Zambia, Africa. Children Treasuring Christ Cameroon - Emmanuela Nyam Developing and teaching Christian discipleship education for children to parents and teachers in Cameroon. Christian Brotherhood Church (CBC) Sudan - Nikolao Vuni Supporting pastors and lay church leaders as they work for reconciliation in the communities of Sudan. Collaborate 4 Development Mission in Uganda (C4DMU) Uganda - James Akuwa Spiritual growth, education, health care, and building capacity for self-help for the most vulnerable. Cornerstone Academy India - Thangboi Haokip Providing high-quality K-10 Christian education to children living in poverty-stricken areas of southeast Manipur. Cornerstone Academy Class Sponsorship India Helping children in India to break the cycle of poverty by providing tuition and needed instructional supplies. Dala Development Kenya - Emily & Dan Okall Educating and serving the local community through income generation and food security workshops, childhood education, and healthcare support. Emmaus Associates Global - Paul Arneson Coaching, training and consulting to help build up leaders for the Kingdom. Engage Global USA - RD Engage Global is a resource for local churches to engage unreached people groups. Enrich Leadership Network Ghana - Albert Botchway Challenging churches to make discipleship a priority by equipping their leaders to become agents of change. FH Asia - KP & JP Providing special education, physical therapy, life skills training, medical care and foster care to children with special needs. Foundation for African Social Entrepreneurship (FASE) Sierra Leone - Alfred Sesay Serving as a bridge between leaders and their home communities through networking and social entrepreneurship programs. Full Life Training Center (FLTC) Nepal - Santosh Khatiwada Teaching youth practical income-earning skills, sharing faith, and revitalizing the local community with biblical values. Gloryshine Asia Preaching the Good News, planting churches, training pastors, and bringing positive transformation to communities. Global Capacities Offering consulting to ministries, missionaries, and non-profits to support them in areas of finance, marketing, communications, operations, and more. Good News Theological Seminary (GNTS) Ghana - Thomas Oduro Providing biblical, theological, and pastoral education primarily to leaders of African Instituted Churches (AICs). Grand Portage Outreach USA - Jacob McCormick Outreach to the Ojibwe community of Grand Portage Reservation, Minnesota, sharing the love of Jesus by serving and engaging with one another. Hesed Resource & Development Foundation Nigeria - Cephas Tushima Educating youth, training Christian leaders, and addressing poverty in Nigerian communities. InControl USA - Kelsey Joson Equipping adults with disabilities with the tools and opportunities for holistic wellness. Indigenous Women Ministry Ghana - Esther Manyeyo Tawiah Helping women in Ghana grow spiritually, acquire new skills to seek employment, and gain confidence. Insightful Global Ventures USA and Global - Colin Miller Transformative data science education for underrepresented populations and global missions outreach. Institute for Faith and Gender Empowerment (IFAGE) Kenya - Domnic Misolo Fighting for equality and justice for women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. Iriba Shalom USA Rwanda - Bill Shook Healing and reconciliation to those suffering the consequences of genocide in Rwanda. Jesus Film Ministries (JFM) Uganda - Sam Tsapwe Offering Gospel video ministry to communities, schools, prisons, and church groups. Kimwanga Widows Project Uganda - Nan Muhovich Empowering vulnerable elderly widows to achieve sustainable living. The Knowledge Box Global - Daan Klem Providing computing devices to schools, orphanages, churches, and social programs in developing countries. The Living Well USA - Randy Beadle Restoring homes and offering hope after natural disasters. Mentor A Mentor Latin America - Javier Altamirano & Rebecca Wynia Empowering instructors to consciously share positive values with at-risk youth in Mexico and Colombia. Mission: Moving Mountains (M:MM) Uganda - Sam Soita Creating sustainable change in communities through physical resources, problem-solving, and agricultural and pastoral training. MORE! Germany - Anna & David Mansfield Providing missionary care in Europe through resources, prayer, personal retreats, spiritual direction, and coaching. Most High Mission Ghana - Jacob Hiagbe Preaching the gospel, providing Christian school education, and expanding the church in rural Ghana. Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC) Ghana - Thomas Oduro Helping African Instituted Churches develop and become more biblical in every way. Santisuk English School Thailand - Diane Hutton Sharing Jesus through teaching English. Short-Term Missions Global Expanding the Kingdom of God Square Ministries Africa East Africa - Emmanuel Mukeshimana A helping hand to those in need with the love of Christ. Star Mission World Global - Blessings Mortenson Providing virtual "ICU prayer" 24 hours/day, when it's most needed. Strengthening Biblical Worship Cameroon - Elison Bongadzem Tango Preparing leadership for sharing the gospel through music ministry. Ugandan Orphan Rural Development Program (UORDP) Uganda - Donna Foley Improving quality of life for vulnerable children through holistic care while also supporting caregivers, and communities. The Upper Room USA - Jeff & Chrissy Lucas Providing a space for gatherings, retreats, or hospice care. A place for nourishment, refreshment, and growth in faith. Thrive Tanzania Tanzania - Jodi Mincer Promoting economic development, employable skills, access to resources, and the message of Jesus in rural Tanzania. Youngsters for Christ Team Kenya - Sammy Njiru Reaching to today’s generation to change tomorrow’s world. Zagreb Baptist Church Croatia - Mihal Kreko Demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its power expressed through justice, love, and hope for the community, currently serving children, the elderly, and refugees.