Equipping for Transformation
Training for International Ministry
Our Story
Whole communities exist where they have never heard the gospel and do not have access to the bible. They don't know of the hope and love that comes from a relationship with Jesus.
With the guidance of his church, Noah Kopischke is following the Lord's call of the Great Commission to go out and make disciples. In preparation, he has completed a bachelor's degree and Radius International training. In addition, he has led bible studies and participated in mission trips and cross-cultural learning. Recognizing the importance of proper training and equipping before sending out missionaries, Noah will also be attending one year of seminary and completing a certificate in applied linguistics before joining a team of church planters to serve internationally.
The purpose of seminary training is to effectively know the Lord and His Word so as to be well-equipped to plant churches and transform communities with the gospel in places with no churches and no gospel witness. By committing time to study linguistics, Noah will be better equipped to learn the language for the sake of building relationships and teaching the gospel clearly.
Noah is raising funds to cover the cost of attending seminary and linguistic training programs.
Our Impact
Noah will start seminary training in August 2023 and then complete a linguistics certificate before heading overseas in early 2025. This is a long-term mission to plant an indigenous church, that will eventually be led by local believers.
Our hope is to bring people who have never heard the gospel out of darkness and into God's marvelous light, to bring them out of death and into his eternal life.
Inviting family, friends, and church members to support missionaries is a way to actively engage people in globally spreading the gospel without leaving their homes. Support, prayer, and encouragement are vital when sending people out into the mission field.
Your donation equips Christian leadership to give people access to the gospel where it's not known.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
- Matthew 28:19
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