Full Life Training Center
Nepal, South Asia
If you are outside of the US, please click here to make a donation by selecting "FLTC - Nepal".

Our Story
The dominant worldview in Nepal is shaped by a pessimistic life and work view. Because of this our community is not paying much attention to creation care, work, and productivity. People are poor and young people migrate overseas for work.
Pastor Santosh Khatiwada founded the Full Life Training Center with a vision to see young people remaining at home, learning practical income-earning skills, growing in faith, and transforming the local community with biblical values.
Primary objectives:
1. To enhance vocational training for youth.
2. To educate children and youth in the biblical worldview of work and life.
3. To advance the gospel through community services.
4. To collaborate and coordinate with local entities.
Our Impact
We currently offer vocational training in ginger farming, raising chickens, and goat farming. Our education program provides scholarships for school supplies so children are prepared to learn. Additionally, we offer discipleship training in learning to read the bible, introducing youth to the message of the gospel.
To allow our program to grow we are in the process of constructing a permanent building. Completion of the building will provide us space to expand our classes, serve as a retreat and worship center, and offer community services including a shelter for children and the elderly.
Your donation will equip youth with a biblical worldview and income-earning skills, transforming the community!
If you are outside of the US, please click here to make a donation by selecting "FLTC - Nepal".
"The heart of our project is the GOSPEL itself and we want to see it working in the lives of people through work, education, and community service." - Pastor Khatiwada
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Joyful community evangelism with singing and dancing!
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