Cornerstone Academy
Class Sponsorships

Sponsorship Info
Welcome to a unique opportunity to help some of the poorest children in India’s Northeast get help with their tuition and needed instructional supplies.
With your monthly $30 sponsorship, you will help these children discover Christ’s love, gain an excellent education, and avoid lives of prostitution, violence, and more poverty.
As a sponsor, you will receive two letters each year, along with annually updated class photos.
To see all 8 classes in need of sponsors, scroll to the photos below.
To begin your sponsorship, please:
1. Click the “Donate” button. In the Cornerstone Academy Sponsorship – India field enter your donation of $30. For the donation frequency select "monthly". (Or you may donate by mail.)
2. Contact Susan Osburn, the Class Sponsorship Administrator, at or by calling 651-402-1838. Susan will match you with a class and answer any questions.