Writing an Appeal Letter

IFAGE - Rev. Prof. Collin Miller, second right, showing a group of pastors the basics of Microsoft Word during the leadership training

Appeal letters can be written at any time of the year. The most popular times are during November or December. Statistically that’s the best time of the year to raise funds. Talk with your team and decide on the best time of the year for your organization to write an appeal letter. Your mission may align more with Easter or Mother’s Day, or maybe your team selects a random date in July. Whatever you determine to be a good fit for your mission, we encourage you to spend a little time preparing.

Before seeking funds...

Think of the last time you sent out any ministry project communication. If it’s been a few of months, quickly send out a short newsletter.

An appeal letter is an ask for donations. A newsletter is an update that catches your supporter up on what's going on with your ministry. A newsletter shows how your ministry project is making a difference in a person’s life or how you see God moving. It's a time to remind your donor that their support makes this possible. This can be a simple note from your heart or a more formal newsletter. If you send one this month it could be a Thanksgiving email to show gratitude.

Again, don't ask for funds in this letter. This is a time to share your ministry work.

Your supporters believe in what you are doing and want to be a part of it with you. Keep communicating with them all year long.

Year-end Fundraising

As nonprofits of all sizes are gearing up for fundraising campaigns by preparing emails and letters, prepping for phone calls, making videos, preparing posts for Facebook, and getting ready to let people know about their program and needs...you can raise funds too!

There will be competition from other nonprofits, but your supporters care about what you are doing.  You know many of them personally. They want to impact lives and share God's love. They feel good being part of something bigger. This is your BIG ADVANTAGE over large nonprofits: You have relationships with your donors.

As we sort through all of the resources for year-end fundraising it can be overwhelming to figure out a simple plan. Here are a few big points from fundraising experts:

  1. Keep communicating regularly with your supporters throughout the year. The biggest reason donors stop giving is that they don't hear from an organization.
  2. Make your appeal letter very clear.
  3. The more personal your communication, the more attention it will receive.


Appeal letter photo

Preparing Your Appeal Letter

Make it clear to the reader what you are asking them to do, why it's needed, and how to give. Include the following:

  1. What do you want to raise funds for?

Think of the specific need. (Example: teaching materials, school fees, one-year salary for a new staff person.)

OR - Maybe your goal is to ask your supporters to become monthly donors.


  1. What is the goal amount?

$ US dollar amount of the specific need. (Example: $5000 to hire a teacher)

OR - Suggested amount for a monthly donor. (Example: $30/month will allow a child to attend school)


  1. What is the impact?

In one sentence share the difference made through the donation. (Example: We have girls at home waiting to attend school. By hiring one more teacher we can add a classroom to educate 30 more students.)


  1. Target date - when do you want raise the funds by?

(Pick one date)
Give to the Max – Thursday Nov. 12, 2024
Giving Tuesday – Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024
OR Choose a date (Example: Dec 15th)


  1. Tell people how to give.

Add a link to your GHI giving page or website.

Provide the GHI mailing address: GHI/(your project), PO Box 64059 Eagan, MN 55164-0059


  1. Use messaging that shows donor support matters.

"We are in this together", "We are making a difference", "This is the change we can make together", "You are providing..."


  1. Make it PERSONAL.

This is where you have the advantage over large charities.

The EASY way to personalize:

Plan out your appeal letter for everyone in general. Then decide how you would like to make it personal.


Depending on how many letters you are planning to send, select a number of the letters to edit with a more personal message in the introduction. If you are planning send out 20 letters, you could personalize all of the letters with a note to each individual. If you have a large number, select out the top 20 to add notes.


Think about how you know each person and why they continue to give, as a way to connect and personalize the letter. Talk to them from your heart.

The POWERFUL way to make an appeal personal and nurture relationships:

Choose 2 people per week through the end of December to meet with to share your year-end appeal or contact by phone/video call.

If you can't meet with someone, send a personal video appeal or video to previous donors to reignite the passion for your project.

People want to connect with you. Donors want a personal relationship.

It takes courage to make personal contacts, but it's such a blessing for people to know that you care about them as much as they care about you and your ministry.

Example Appeal Letter:

Dear Jackson and Maria,


It was really good seeing you this summer. I was happy to hear that you found a specialist to help with your daughter Sarah's asthma. I hope Sarah is feeling much better. Our kids are getting excited about the holidays and ready for snow to come.


I feel truly blessed that you've been with us on this journey for the past 5 years, providing medical care to families in Ghana through Healing Hearts. I appreciate the notes of encouragement that you have shared along the way. It means a lot to have your prayers and your support.


We are starting a new project to make home visits to rural families. Is this something you'd like to be a part of?


Blessing to you and your family this Christmas!



Together we can provide life-saving treatment!

New Hope - girl holding a young child (2019_12_04 19_17_25 UTC)

This is 3-year-old Jonah. He was severely dehydrated and coughing from pneumonia. He was too weak for his mom to walk with him to the nearest clinic several miles away and his mom feared she would lose him. Thankfully our nurse heard about Jonah and made a home visit with antibiotics. We are thrilled to report that Jonah is once again strong and healthy.

Our goal is to raise $3000 by Dec. 15th. This will allow Healing Hearts, a Christian-based medical ministry, to purchase 2 motorcycles for medical staff to make home visits to 5 rural communities, in Ghana. We will begin home visits in January 2024. These visits will provide life-saving medical treatment for diseases like malaria and pneumonia and offer prayer and follow-up visits.


Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to the lack of treatment simply due to failure of transportation to the medical clinic. Motorcycles will allow the medical staff to travel roads that are frequently impassable by cars due to flooding or poor road conditions.

We are looking for 50 people

to donate $60.00

to save lives by fighting treatable diseases.


Will you join us in providing treatment a child or elderly person?

Donate today!

By mail:

GHI/Healing Hearts
PO Box 64059
Eagan, MN 55164-0059

The GHI office staff is always available to our partner projects as a resource. We can read over your appeal letter and offer editing suggestions or talk through fundraising plans. We can also print newsletters, with advance notice of at least a week + mailing time. We have donation reply envelopes available for you to include with printed mailings.

Contact us for more information, trudy@globalhz.org or call 612-294-0419.

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