Featured Project: Children Treasuring Christ – Parent Awareness Seminars, Raising Children in Christian Faith

Emmanuela Nyam, director of Children Treasuring Christ, offers training to parents at local church congregations, in Cameroon, Africa. She focuses on guiding parents as they share their faith and raise their children in Christian families. One challenge she addresses is linking what is learned at church to family life at home.

She recently held a 5 day Parent Awareness training seminar for a congregation in a farming community. The participants were really engaged and returned to attend each of the sessions, packing in the church pews. After one of the sessions a grandmother remarked that now knowing what God expects of parents she will commit herself to disciple her grandchildren in a gospel-centered way.

Read more in Children Treasuring Christ’s July Newsletter.

Children Treasuring Christ is a Global Horizons Inc. partner project.