GHI Winter Newsletter |
December 2021 |
As we wrap up this year we are feeling hopeful and grateful as we say a warm farewell to a ministry leaving us and celebrate 50 years with a ministry that has been part of Global Horizons Inc.(GHI) since the beginning.
We would also like to share highlights from a partner project, that’ll give you a peek into the inner workings of a holistic African ministry. |
Farewell to Designed to Be Pillars
Ruth Conard has been the director of Designed to Be Pillars for the past 17 years, and it’s been an honor for GHI to be their fiscal sponsor and partner. Ruth has spoken life and the gospel to women in 25 countries and has written seven books. Across cultural backgrounds, Ruth’s words have strengthened and uplifted women, by encouraging them in their daily lives and walk with God.We are grateful to Ruth for her commitment and passion to help women see themselves as God intended, each one unique and valued.
For future plans, Ruth has felt God calling her in a new direction. She is preparing to be a Spiritual Director, serving as a guide for other spiritual leaders.
To learn more, read Ruth’s closing Designed to Be Pillars newsletter: |
Congratulations Good New Theological Seminary!
~ 50th Anniversary ~
Good News Theological Society (GNTS) has been a partner project of Global Horizons since our beginnings, and we’ve seen the ministry grow and change.
Over the years GNTS has brought together denominations to peacefully provide seminary education. Their programs range from certificates to a bachelor’s degree, for both men and women. In addition, they provide alternative theological education for people who otherwise would not be admitted to traditional bible colleges due issues such as illiteracy
In 2014 the program was expanded to provide an extensive extra-curricular program for specific skills. This program provides vocational-technical education, along with counseling and advocacy for women and youth. It’s open to all; Christians, Muslims, and traditional religions. They later added agricultural skills training with the intention is to alleviate poverty and hunger.
In November GNTS held a Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving celebration. Our own Dr. Herb Klem, co-founder of GHI, traveled to Ghana to attend. Dr. Oduro sent us note afterward saying, “We remain forever grateful to Global Horizons Inc. for playing significant roles in the growth of the seminary. The presence of Prof. Herb Klem at the 50th anniversary of the seminary and worshipping with some African Independent Churches were blessings to all.”
Learn more:
(Click on “2021 Newsletters” to find the 50th Anniversary brochure, an article about the event from Ghana News Agency, and the Speech from Rev. Dr. Thomas Oduro.) |
Holistic African Ministry – Mission: Moving Mountains
Mission: Moving Mountains (MMM) is a holistic ministry sharing the gospel and community development in Uganda, Africa. In their 2020 Annual Report, you will see how they are teaching the gospel, providing educational training, and encouraging the sharing of what is learned with neighbors.In addition, MMM gathered discipleship testimonies so you can hear firsthand how people participating in their programs are spreading the love of Christ.
Several students from North Central University visited MMM in Uganda this past spring. The team brought along GHI Knowledge Boxes, which are low-cost computing devices downloaded with educational materials. The MMM youth group put the devices to use immediately. You can read the testimonies of how the devices are being used at the link below.
Find all of the reports here:
(Click on “2021 Newsletters” for the 2020 Annual Report, Discipleship Testimonies, and Youth Testimonies) |
Donations of coats and more for Afghan Refugees
Thank you to all who donated coats and made contributions to the Afghan fundraiser. Together we raised over $6,000!
Your donations have been used right away providing tea kettles and winter clothing. With cold and snowy weather upon us, it was good timing for the many families that are now able to keep warm with winter essentials.
The next step in caring for the needs of the refugees will be to offer English language learning classes, which our contact is in the process of putting together. |
Donations mailing address:
Global Horizons Inc., PO Box 64059, Eagan, MN 55164-0059
We wish you a blessed Christmas. Whether you visit with others or stay home this year, may you experience the hope and joy of Christmas.
Merry Christmas,
GHI Staff – Leon, Trudy, and Jill
My body rests in hope…You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence. Acts 2:26,28
Winter break:
The GHI office will be closed Dec. 16- Dec. 31st. If you need assistance during the break please email or call our office and leave a message. We will follow up with you. 612-294-0419 |
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Global Horizons Inc. has 25 years of experience as a fiscal sponsor for local and international projects.