Featured Project: NHIE – 2018 Reconciliation Exchange Tour

This year will mark the 100th year since the birth of Nelson Mandela, who lived a life dedicated to reconciliation. In his honor, New Hope
International Exchange (NHIE) celebrates with a tour of Musical Exchange. They desire to inspire unity and peace at this time of growing racial and religious divide, through sharing the message of reconciliation. This South African group of singers is on tour in the US.

2018 Reconciliation Exchange Tour dates: April 2 – July 29

If you would like the group to sing at your event or conduct a workshop for your choir or community group, or to become a sponsor for the tour, contact NHIE.

Contact: Email Gaylene or Brendon Adams

Donate or learn more about NHIE:  http://globalhz.org/new-hope-international-exchange/.


New Hope International Exchange is a Global Horizons Inc. (GHI) partner project.